Monday 16 January 2012

How to enable threaded comments on blogger

Threaded commenting, by far Blogger’s most requested feature, has finally made its way to Bloggerland!

Threaded commenting should make it easier for you to respond to individual comments. That said, Blogger threaded comment system is only two levels deep, meaning you can only reply to original comments, and not to comment replies. It’s obviously not the best of threaded comment systems, but I guess it’s a good start.
Threaded comments function is enabled by default, provided that you meet these 2 requirements:
Your blog’s per-post comment feed is set to Full feed.
Here's how you can check or change the setting:
New interface: Go to Settings > Other > Allow Blog Feeds > Custom > Per-Post Comment Feeds and set it to Full.
Old interface: Go to Settings > Site Feed > Advanced Mode > Per-Post Comment Feeds and set it to Full.
You’ve opted for Embedded comments.
Follow the steps below to switch to Embedded comments:
New interface: Go to Settings > Posts and Comments > Comments > Comment Location and select Embedded.
Old interface: Go to Settings > Comments > Comment Form Placement and select Embedded below post.

Making threaded comments work on custom template
Threaded comments may not work on blog with highly modified template.
At present the only way (that I know) to fix this is by undoing the customizations i.e resetting the template. You don’t have to reset the entire template, it‘s sufficient to reset only the blog post widget template because that is where the threaded comment codes reside.
This tutorial will show you how to reset the blog post widget to Blogger’s default. Be forewarned that you will lose all your existing post area customizations -social buttons, auto read-more, custom ad codes, signature etc. So make sure you back up your expanded template prior to that.
Once you get it to work, you can start adding back the customizations one by one. This way you can identify which customizations interfere with the threaded commenting system.
Disabling threaded comments
At the moment Blogger threaded comments is still buggy. There are a few reported bugs associated with threaded comments, among them are blank white screen and missing comments pager.
If your blog is affected, the only solution is to disable threaded comments. You can do this either by:
Opting to Full-Screen or Pop-up comments, or by
Setting the Per-Post Comment Feeds to None.

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